Welcome to The Aesthetic City Podcast!

Find all episodes of The Aesthetic City Podcast here!

In the Podcast, Ruben tries to find out how to make our world a more beautiful and liveable place, by interviewing the thinkers, policymakers, designers and activists who work on urban matters on a daily basis. The Podcast has already attracted great names such as Nir Buras, fiery activists like Michael Diamant, Frank O’Connor and Jude Sherry and traditional designers like Mieke Bosse. Many more exciting episodes are planned with professionals from all over the world.

Support the podcast

The Aesthetic City Podcast aims to become financially self sufficient. In order to continue operating and to increase our scope, we aim to find sponsors and patrons for the show. If you want to become a sponsor for the podcast, send an e-mail to hello@theaestheticcity.com. Are you a listener who strongly believes in our mission and want to support us? Become a patron! Click here for our Patreon page

Offering everything under one roof

From policymakers to designers, from thinkers to planners – the goal of the podcast is to offer as much information on the improvement of our cities as possible under one roof. We don’t want to limit to urban design or architecture only; it is of vital importance that we also hear the opinions of developers, innovators, contractors, craftsmen as well – anyone who plays a role in the construction of our cities!

Of course, the podcast is also listed on all major podcast platforms like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, etc.

Listen to the podcast now. If you have a tip, contact us here.

You can also support us through Patreon in order to get access to early releases, bonus material, even suggest questions or give other remarks!

Learn more about our mission

Visit the ‘About’ page to learn more about what we do and why we do it.